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Human-Computer Interaction Designer 人机交互设计师

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Everything depends on your goals

Write down the word "Design" on a whiteboard. You can write hundreds of other words related with it.

Pragmatic, romantic, scientific...
Functionality, Aesthetic...
Analysis, Synthesis, evaluation
Science or art...
Limitations, Compromise
Human-centered, user-centered
easy to use, easy to learn, efficiency, effective..

The list of words which tinghtly related with HCI Design goes on.

Design is the eager desire to make an improvement.

Design is the challenging and struggling of designer's ability, foresight and inside world.

There are philosophies, principles, methods, rules. You can believe or not, follow or not.

There is no standard, no proper balance to weight your design. A design can be evaluated as a prototype. A design can be judged by users through the using process. Unfortunately, sometimes a design idea could only be seen as feasible one after a long time. Besides those which were believed decades after they were created, how many design ideas were abandoned without any evidence?

Everything in existence is reasonable.
All depends on our goals and how do we look at it.
If your design is benefit for only one person, your design is good, even though maybe you thought it's not good enough, but who knows?

Just like life. What is your life goals? Maybe you can find that your life goals are keeping change. Life is neither science nor art. There are ethics, society, family and individual. You are here today and another country tomorrow maybe. Life goals maybe are changing with the locations and time. But whereever you are, you should know what you can do, what you should do, and what you want to do. Everything depends on your life goals. Life goals could be changed, but we shouldn't lost in them. There are different ways you can follow, and you never know which one is better.

Do whatever you believe in.


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